
Scripture Reading - Proverbs 20:18 KJV

Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.

We all see a lot of things in this earth but did you know each one of them has a “purpose”. We also see a lot of activity going on around us and every action should have a “purpose”. We notice that there are a lot of people in this earth and for sure every single person has a “purpose” for being on this earth. One problem that we (ihlcc) have seen that is common among men is not everyone knows their “purpose”. The Good Lord always starts out with “purpose” and that “purpose” gives Him the solid foundation to build upon. Yes, the Lord knows what He wants so that knowing establishes the “purpose” of the product. Many people wander around aimlessly doing things because they feel like it but they are missing a “purpose” for their actions. Doing things without “purpose” can sometimes lead to feelings of futility or mediocrity because without knowing the “purpose” of what you are doing how would you know when you have achieved the desired results. This is the reason the above verse states “every purpose is established by counsel” because no one is an island unto themselves. When we establish our “purposes” by the counsel of God’s Holy Word (The Holy Bible) we can rest assure that our “purposes” are right. Thus, with right counsel to start with we form the right “purpose” to direct us unto the right results of godliness and success. We know it is very easy to overlook “purpose” in the small things of our everyday life because who ask the “purpose” question for all they are doing each day? Typically, people search their heart for “purpose” when making a major decision but that is only once in a while. The big problem with not asking this “purpose” question in all that you do is every person is susceptible to producing dead works. This sometimes happens when we practice something by repetition that used to bring us pleasure but now it is only a burden or chore. Yes, taking out the garbage is typically a chore but the “purpose” of removing waste from our property makes it all worthwhile. Likewise, if you always have coffee with a co-worker discussing work that produces a better product that would be a good thing. However, on the other hand, if over time the coffee break is mainly about pointing out the faults (flaws) of other co-workers or the boss those types of meetings are now dead works. Many things that started with a good godly “purpose” will change over time when people forget the “purpose” of product (meeting, plan, activity, etc…). If we were honest with ourselves no one would admit that the “purpose” of the meeting is to run down people but all would boast about the right “purpose” of being more productive. Thus, you should know the “purpose” of what you are doing and stay on track with that specific “purpose” until you reach your desired result. If no “purpose” exists or you don’t know the “purpose” ask yourself the important question, “Why am I doing this or that?” The fact that you have to ask yourself about a “purpose” or ask that question to someone else just proves that “purpose” is vague or non-existent. In today’s world so much time is lost on dead, idle or vain works, we (Christians) must be wiser than those of the world to separate off non-productive works. Since the Believer should be about the business of the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father we must examine “purpose” daily and in this consistently examination we must strive for optimal results by doing only (solely) those things that please Him (God). So know your purpose in Christ to better understand your purpose in life and the counsel of God’s Word will create in you the many “purposes” of your day-to-day activities to help you take flight. Amen!