Scripture Reading - Romans 8:10-11

10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. KJV

Dear believer in Christ we (ihlcc) encourage you to take full advantage of the statement of truth found in these scriptures. Although both of these verses have the word “if” in them do not be confused. The word “if” was only used to separate the believer in Jesus from the unbeliever in Christ. Therefore these verses are specifically for Christians to give us more light about who we are. Truth: because you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life His Holy Spirit of Life abides (lives) within you. What the Apostle Paul is saying is that although your outward man is dead (cutoff, separated) from the lust of sin through the death of your unborn-again (death ruled and fear filled) old spiritual nature your new reborn spirit permeates the Power of God. The word “quicken” literally means “give life to”. Therefore when the scripture states that the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead shall also give life to your physical body that is great news. Can we really comprehend what this scripture is saying? Do we truly understand that Jesus was dead both physically and spiritually. Jesus was spiritually separated from the Heavenly Father God and Jesus body was already three days in the grave. Many have the problem of not being born-again when they are spiritually separated from the Father God. As a Christian we have no such dilemma (doom or fate). Secondly, we are not physically dead right now because we are always alive in Christ Jesus. This scripture tells us that even in this horrible condition that Christ suffered for us He was raised from the dead. Yes, this thought deserves a great big praise the Lord and Hallelujah because the all powerful Spirit of God dwells within us. These verses are basically stating that if your physical body were dying the Spirit of God can give life to (quicken) your physical body. Yes, this is not a fairy tale but a truth of God’s Word. Often, Angela and I will quote this verse when less than life-threatening symptoms try to manifest in our body. We have learned that this scripture will work for all sorts of things. For instants, if you feel tired begin to thank God for quickening (strengthening) your physical body. If you feel sick quickly rebuke the sickness by telling it to leave your body and immediately start confessing, “God’s Spirit has quickened (healed) my physical body”. Moreover, even when you are feeling good you can certainly confess, “God’s Spirit gives life to my body” as a part of your daily confession before God and man. Be encouraged that God’s Holy Spirit dwells inside of you. Therefore your mortal body is energized, quickened, made alive, strengthened, healed and delivered in the Mighty Name of Jesus. When you speak that awesome Name of Jesus remember the exact same Spirit that raised Him from the dead dwells eternally in you. Amen!