Scripture Reading - John 14:26

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. KJV

In our previous lesson we spoke about the Holy Spirit being the Great “Comforter”. This verse shows us another aspect of the Holy Spirit which is His ability to “remind” us of good things pertaining to the will of God. The reason we (ihlcc) state pertaining to the will of God is because the Holy Spirit is God Himself so anything that He brings to your remembrance will be directly from the Throne of God. Yes, this verse specifically states that the words of Jesus Christ will be given to us from the Holy Spirit when we need to be reminded of them. Of course, we must place this important caveat into this teaching that the Holy Spirit won’t do your studying for you but He will help you “remember” the right answers to each test. Generally speaking we must be diligent to study God’s Word for ourselves to be better acquainted with our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ because it is through the knowledge of God that we learn about God. We read the scriptures, ponder the scriptures, search the scripture, mutter the scriptures and boldly speak forth the scriptures to activate the Power of God in our life. It is good to know that every problem you encounter in this earth has a biblical answer according to the Word of God. The key is knowing what is the right scripture for the specific problem you are facing? This is where the Holy Spirit is such a blessing because He will show you (reveal to you) a scripture that will work against your problem to bring God’s victory into your life. We (ihlcc) have found that not only will “The Reminder” help you over come troubles but He will even aid you in determining answers to questions you may have about God. Sometimes the Gracious Holy Spirit will bring a certain scripture to mind to prepare you for an upcoming event. For example, the Holy Spirit showed us 1 Corinthians 13 verses 4-8 right after being filled with His Presence when we were very young in Christ. As we studied these verses more and more through the years it became apparent that these verse were suppose to be our ministry to the world and the Body of Christ. If you take the time to study God’s Word on a regular basis, like reading the Holy Bible through in a year, you will learn a lot of scriptures but if you are like us (ihlcc) you will not remember every verse you read. This is the beauty of the Holy Spirit because if you are dealing with sickness He will bring to your mind Isaiah 53:5 if you are familiar with that scripture, or if necessary He will bring to your remembrance Matthew 8:17, or if you are familiar with 1 Peter 2:24 the words of that verse will come to mind or maybe even all three if you know them because He wants you to realize that you have the answer so you must walk in that answer (light) to receive the full benefit (manifestation) of God’s Will (which is His Word). Remember, all the Promises of God are Yes, and Amen in Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 1:20. So walk in the Light of this word by expecting “The Reminder” (the Holy Spirit) to assist (aid) you in your walk with God by bringing all good things to your remembrance at the moment of need. The Lord Loves you and He gave you the Precious Holy Spirit for a specific reason which is it is God’s desire for you to know His Will at your point of need. Amen!