Scripture Reading - John 17:16-19

16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. KJV

This word “Sanctification” was a very popular term in Church history. Historically many people believed in the core meaning of the word as a way of life for all Christians. The word “Sanctification” basically means to be “set apart”. When used in the context of Christianity to be “sanctified” has a two-fold meaning. One part is to be set apart from the world and the second part is to be holy unto the Lord. In general terms the word “sanctified” is seldom spoken of today by the church leaders or laity. There is a prevailing theme throughout the nations to create a church atmosphere that fits in among the people of the land. Many denominations also believe that the bloody message of Calvary’s Cross as the only gateway to Heaven through the remission of sins (Luke 24:47) could be watered down for a less graphical message. They make statements like, “Preaching on the older foundation messages of sin, temperance, judgment and holiness is good occasionally but let us focus on more positive messages that won’t offend people or scare them away”. The problem we (ihlcc) have with that type of thinking is that it will curve the truth. If you try to bend the straight line of God’s Word it ceases to be truth. Since man cannot break God’s foundation of His Word they sometimes purpose to build on another foundation of man’s reasoning. According to the verses shared in Saint John 17:16-19 the biblical way to be “sanctified” is by God’s Truth. It is not any interpretation of truth according to various religions or human reasoning from biblical scholars but rather God’s Holy Word. Remembering what Pilate asked Jesus when he made the statement, “What is truth?” in St. John 18:38 we are clearly told in verse 17 that God’s Word is truth. When we try to water down the core message of Jesus which starts and finishes with us being called out of sin and unrighteousness to be made pure and righteous in His sight through the “sanctification” of the spirit. It is rather obvious that each believer must take this task of “sanctification” unto their heart by purposing to live a life of truth. It is not up to men to pick and choose what they think others want to hear when the Lord has already laid out His Message. It is better to wholeheartedly accept this message of truth as the commandment of God to mandate the exact lifestyle we ought to live. Perhaps it is because so many people don’t spend the adequate time inside of God’s Word searching for God’s pre-existing answers to our modern day problems that many choose to rely on their own wit. Maybe many people don’t like the harsh realities of truth because they know in their heart that God requires commitment and obedience to be “sanctified” from this world. The Lord is more concerned about His children looking like Him to spread His Word (The Truth) then to comfortably fit in (blend in) with those of world. So chose the path of truth by being a doer of God’s Word to show yourself “sanctified” in mind and body revealing to all people your “sanctification” in spirit through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Remember God asks you to be different so you can light up the world to lead people unto Him, thus offering a path to salvation that is consummated through “sanctification” in Christ. Amen.