
Scripture Reading - Mark 4:26 KJV

And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;

It is spring time flowers are blooming, plants need to be harvested, a renewal, it’s a beautiful time of the year. What kind of “seeds” have you been sowing in your garden, the garden of your life (your heart). We are to take heed (pay attention) to what we are speaking. What you are speaking is what you are planting and that in turn is what is orchestrating your life. So what you plant today is going to be a future harvest in your life, so take heed to the “seeds” you are sowing (planting) from your mouth. You might say, “What does it mean, “seeds”, sowing and harvesting?” Just as you plant your garden by planting the “seeds” of tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers etc... the same is true for your heart garden. Instead we plant love, joy, peace, goodness, longsuffering, patience, etc... in our heart garden. In that same regard we could plant anger, impatience, lying, hatred etc... which is like planting harmful weeds in your garden. We do the choosing of our crop with our words. Life and death is in the power of the tongue the wise person chooses life (God’s Word and God’s Holy Spirit). Choose today what harvest you desire and plan accordingly. We must realize when we speak whether silently or out loud you are planting “seeds”. Whether loud enough for all to hear or while talking to another person or under our breath to yourself you are planting “seeds”. Your words, attitude and actions are always planting “seeds”. People we are going to reap a harvest on the “seeds” that have been sown (planted) in their life. Our harvest is not determined by God, He has provided everything we need down here on earth to sustain life and to produce life. You might be thinking, “No God is in control of my life” but is He? Some think if God allows things to happen in my life that is His Will, but no our harvest is a direct reflection of the “seeds” we have sown (planted). Please remember along with the planting there comes the fun job of preparing the ground. Watering the good “seeds” planted in your heart and keeping the weeds (negative words and ungodly spirits of anger, bitterness, deception, etc...) from your crop is daily maintenance. If you do a good (thorough) job of keeping your garden clean and pure you can harvest optimum yield on your “seeds” sown (planted in your heart). God said in His Word that as long as the earth remains, there would be “seed” time and harvest time in Genesis 8:22. We as a people have sown so many mingled “seeds” and then with the corrupted “seeds” sown we still expect a productive and desirable harvest. Sowing negative (perverted) “seeds” and expecting good things to work out in your everyday life is foolish, to be frank a good harvest is not going to happen when you sow bad “seeds”. Some people blame God for their misfortune when it’s really not His fault. God created the system but we must learn how His system works to be successful. We as a people should take responsibility for our actions and our part in producing the bad crops of our life. You may say, “I didn't know all of this.” Well, from this point on ask God for forgiveness for bad “seeds” sown and begin sowing (planting) good “seeds” found in His Word and in His Love. You do reap what you sow. The way you got your crop whether good or bad is done through your mouth, thoughts and actions. We should be sowing good words and attitudes because they are the godly “seeds” of life. Therefore, we (ihlcc) say take heed to what you hear, take heed what you see and take heed what you think which all affect what you say. Don't be deceived my brother or sister in Christ every “seed” planted will produce, whether good or bad. Each “seed” produces after its own kind. To be spiritually minded is life and peace but on the contrary to be carnally minded (flesh ruled) is death according to Romans 8:6. We do the choosing of what “seeds” get planted in our garden of life. Choose wisely because God in His wisdom has chosen you. Amen.