The Shield

Scripture Reading - Psalms 3:2-3 KJV

2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Greetings fellow believer, one morning while ministering The Lord showed us a vision. This short vision (revelation) truly blessed us and that is why we (ihlcc) wanted to share the highlights with you. To the best of our memory we will describe what we saw. There first was a little girl playing happily and carefree in the woods. What the little child didn’t notice was that a hungry grizzly bear was watching her intensely deciding to eat her for his next meal. The grizzly bear was roughly around a hundred feet away so she was well in his striking distance and he didn’t need to rush because the little girl didn’t even notice him at all. The bear cautiously and quietly took a couple steps toward the little girl. The child’s mother watching the whole event stepped in between the little girl and the bear. Unlike the little girl the mother was very aware of the bear and the danger his presence presented. The bear paused his steps toward the little innocent girl to ponder if he should eat the mother and the little child or just go after the mother because the larger meal would please him well. Then the grizzly started moving toward the mother but as soon as he did the father of the little girl and the husband of the mother came into view and positioned himself between the grizzly bear and the mother. This puzzled the bear for a moment because he did notice the man had a weapon is this hand and the fight moved from one person to two. However, the grizzly bear thought no human can match my strengthen so male or female, nor male and female is powerful enough to stop me from catching my prey and dividing the spoils with myself. The grizzly now knowing that the element of surprise is over he starts heading quickly toward the man that is blocking his path to the woman, now he has some conviction in his heart that a fight will occur because he is hungry and now seemingly provoked (resisted). As the grizzly bear drew closer to the man a light flashed in front of the bear’s eyes as a “shield”, of course we do know that a bright light will stop both man and beast simply because you can’t see beyond that bright light. Thus, the bear stops and tries to cover his eyes from the intensity of The Light all forward movement has ceased (halted, stopped). The brightness of that specific light diminishes but now the bear sees the Angel of the Lord with his sword drawn standing directly in front of the bear. Specifically he is placed right between the man and the bear, symbolically the Angel of The Lord is between all the family members and the grizzly bear. For “The Shield” of the Lord is for complete protection for all not just one individual. No one can defuse a dangerous situation like God when we call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus. Now the bear is well acquainted with the ministry of angels and the bear knows The Lord Himself has empowered his angels to execute judgment upon all those who do wrong which includes all those who practice deeds that are outside God’s Will. The grizzly bear knows that the strength of the Angel of the Lord is much greater than his so he pauses to reassess the whole situation. I started with an easy meal, this was good thinks the grizzly, next a woman with some strength comes against me but this is more food, so this is good still thinks the grizzly, next a man with some strength comes against me too, so I am ready for the battle, still no problem because I weigh more and am stronger than man. However, when the Angel of the Lord appears I am defeated because he fights with spiritual power that out matches my great physical power. Thus, the hunger for this meal is not worth the cost of losing my life. Finally, the bear goes back into the deep woods to search for another meal. The moral of this story is that the Lord Jesus and your Heavenly Father always has a spiritual soldier looking over your everyday affairs, so when trouble is present the Lord and His army is present too. So be encouraged as we (ihlcc) are to know the Lord Jesus and His Ministering Spirits will always be there to protect us and our family when we call upon that Name for the Name of the Lord Jesus is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe according Proverbs 18:10. We have layers of protect both in the natural realm and also in the spiritual realm, so even if you are single you are never alone in Christ Jesus. God is always there. He will never leave you nor forsake you according to Hebrews 13:5b. For sure if it was only you and the bear in the woods the stepping in of the Angel of The Lord will still persuade the bear to move in another direction away from you in Jesus Name. It is always good to remember Luke 10:19 KJV which states, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” If you believe that shout, “Amen” because “The Shield” is real in Christ Jesus!