Scripture Reading - Colossians 3:23-24

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. KJV

Our time upon the earth is very valuable to the Lord and it should be valuable to us also. Since we make an impact on the lives of countless people every week our witness for Jesus should be positive. We should let our light shine brightly to all people across the earth. Therefore, every smile, every kind word, every extra mile we go for the person that needs help is a step in the right direction of loving others as we love ourselves. When we choose to help a member of a family our love may have a positive long lasting effect in the life of any member of that family. Take advantage of any opportunity you have to bless some else, thus fulfilling God’s Law of Love. Act quickly and decisively when seizing the moment to share your kindness with people you come in contact with. Your participation, attitude and actions are vital to the success of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why it is so important to live your life unto Christ and our Heavenly Father as opposed to living for yourself. Living for God’s glory guarantees you the rewards of Heaven, whereas doing things to gain the favor of men will only leave you disappointed. When we do our good deeds heartily it simply means that our motive and attitude is right. We purpose to help someone else simply because we love them, not for personal gain. This type of attitude is exactly what the Lord Jesus modeled before the world because His motive is always love. Love thinks of others in the light of God’s goodness and for that reason alone we share His goodness to us with others. Thank you so much, dear child of God, for your faithfulness unto God and the Body of Christ to eagerly and openly share your God given SMILE with everyone in the world in preparation for God’s Heaven to come. Amen!

Remember to "smile" because Jesus Loves You!
S – Staying
M – Merciful
I – In
L - Love’s
E - Expression