Scripture Reading - Acts 24:24-25 KJV

24 And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.
25 And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.

The word “temperance” is not used that often in our everyday vocabulary by those who don’t know (often read) the Holy Bible. Many people today would use the word “self-control” when speaking about this topic. The word “temperance” speaks of strength in which a person has enough spiritual fortitude to keep their emotions under control and resist performing the evil thoughts that come to the mind. What we (ihlcc) mean by that statement is every person has some measure of spiritual strength but everyone doesn’t use it to its full potential. Physical strength is a good thing but those who are physically strong, like athletes, may not have enough strength to keep their emotions and mind in check by doing what is right. An example of this would be a football player hitting another player from the opposing team after the play is over. This is why in basketball many players will try to pick a fight with the star player of the other team. They do this in hopes that they can arouse anger from the star player to get them ejected from the game to gain the advantage to win that specific game or the next game to come. The players who lack “temperance” will sometimes fall prey to this trap by personally engaging in the physical exchange of hitting or pushing or fighting. The good news for all believers is that “temperance” comes from God because Galatians 5:23 tells us that it is a fruit of the Spirit. Since “temperance” comes from God it must be a necessary spiritual power to live victorious on this earth. The Lord knew that we have to contend with the sinful nature of the flesh. Therefore all those who master (rule over) their emotions and the evil thoughts of the flesh are in a better position to think through what they are doing and what they should do in the near future. “Temperance” is the spiritual force that governs the emotions and controls the sinful nature of the flesh. Yes, our flesh has evil desires but those perverted desires (lust) by themselves are only a problem if we lack the “temperance” to over come them. Many people know what is right but lack the “self-control” (spiritual power, temperance) to do what is right all the time. This is why so many people commit the sexual sins of adultery, fornication and incest. They know it is not right but lack the “temperance” to keep their body holy (separated from sin) on a constant basis. The “power of temperance” is an intricate part of the Power of God because your flesh must be crucified for your spirit to live. Remember the Holy Bible declares in Galatians 5:16 if you walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. “Temperance” is the strength of that spiritual walk for every saint of God because that is what keeps us sanctified from the world. So when doing your daily spiritual conditioning keep in mind that the “spirit of temperance” must be developed in your Christian character to allow Christ to fully live through you in this world. Amen!