
Scripture Reading - Jonah 2:9 KJV

But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD.

Here in America we are entering into the “Thanksgiving” and Christmas holiday season. We (ihlcc) noticed a lot people putting emphasis on what they will eat, what they will buy (hopefully on sale), where they will go (to visit friends and family) and how much money they will spend. The funny part about many of these conversations we hear and read after on social media have nothing to do with the original intent of the day of “Thanksgiving”. Yes, we (ihlcc) will openly confess that it is very easy to get caught up into “Black Friday (a large shopping day promising great discounts)” and “Turkey” but that should not be a stumbling block for the Christian. The sincere Christian loves God with all their heart and on that thought we will preach the simple message for all holidays (Holy Days) which is Jesus Christ our precious Lord and Savior. Yes, the puritans (pilgrims) chose the day of “Thanksgiving” to give thanks unto God for giving them a place (new land) to worship. This was special because they got to reflect upon all that the Lord Jesus did for them in giving them a place where they had the freedom to worship and “thank” their God in a very personal way, without the fear of punishment (no strict religion for all the citizens of the head government). As some stories indicate the sharing of food was done as an alliance with the native Indians of America to show unity and peace. The resident Indians showed the new settlers how to live off the land while the new residences shared the good things they knew and made from their original home land of England. Thus, it was mutual benefit with love, care and compassion that made “giving thanks” easy and appropriate. What we (ihlcc) are stating is that it was very similar to a large church gathering where the Lord Jesus was magnified and the people present were blessed with His Spirit (His Presence of the Holy Spirit). Now let’s be honest in the midst of separation of various ethnics here in American we have no close resemblance at all with “the spirit of thanksgiving” deposited here in America at the inception of our pilgrimage. Too many people are fussing and fighting about political issues, financial sorrows and personal opinions which only leads to division and despair. We (ihlcc) are hoping and praying that people would refocus their attention to God. Yes, the only way revival will happen here in America is that preachers preach love and the people hearing this word of love would practice it. It is no small wonder why people are hurting in this present day and age. It is a lack of love shown by so called Christians and the mast multitudes of unbelievers in this earth. We (ihlcc) can clearly understand why non-believers would not understand love simply because they don’t know Him (Living Love). However, the true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ shall only be known by their love for God shown toward people in agreement with John 13:34 and 35. Let us (all Christians) get back to the basics of praising God and worshipping God and giving (offering) Him much “thanksgiving” solely because He Is worthy of all our praise. Yes, “give thanks” to God continuously because He is our Salvation as todays verse reads. Yes, our Great Salvation alone demands “thanksgiving” each and every day because we must remember our salvation was not an accident nor without cost. Yes, it cost Jesus His life to give us His eternal life and for that Lord Jesus and Father God we say “Thank-You”. Therefore if we could just practice this word daily by vocally saying “thank-you Lord” all the time we will be doers of God’s Word and not just hearers only. If we don’t practice “giving thanks” to God on a regular basis we will probably not be “thankful” for anything else. So dear Saint (beneficiary of the Blood of Jesus) join with us this season and everyday hereafter in practicing (producing) “Thanksgiving” to God. Knowing that nothing on this earth or in Heaven above could be more important than “thanking” Him (Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father God) forever. Amen!