Scripture Reading - Romans 4:15 KJV

Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

The word “transgression” is often used for the word “sin” but there is a slight different. “Sin” is when you break God’s Word or one could say, “violating the Law of God”. So when the Word of God states, “not to murder another” and you kill a man unjustly you sinned against God and your fellowman. Now with that in mind if you ask God for forgiveness and ask for forgiveness from those people who knew the man you murdered the Lord is faithful to forgive you so that you are no longer a sinner even though you committed a sin. Whereas a “transgressor” is one who practices “sin” as a lifestyle. Sin speaks more to your actions whereas “transgression” speaks more to your place with God. All those who don’t keep the Law of God are “transgressors” by nature, yes, their hearts are against God. To “transgress” basically means to rebel, thus seeking (and possessing) an independent ungodly thought process. Those who are “transgressors” of God’s Word have a knowledge of God such that they are without excuse. In some places in the Holy Bible the word “transgression” means - to go aside from, overstep, to go beyond or to go over - basically all summing up to mean those who chose to walk away from God’s Law. Yes, in general God’s Law is the same thing as God’s Command and God’s Word. Typically, whatever the Lord tells you to do as an individual person or as a category of persons you should do as unto the Lord. The scripture reference in Romans 4:15 simply tells us that when we don’t know God’s Commandments (His Law) we are not in “sin” due to ignorance. If you are not a sinner you can never be in “transgression” because you are not practicing known sin as a lifestyle. So “transgression” is a more deeper problem than sin simply because “transgression” is often used in the Holy Bible as habit rather than a one-time occurrence. Remember that one can accidentally sin due to a weak time in your life but no one is ever classified by God as a “transgressor” for a one-time mistake. Yes, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God but the average saint does not live in “transgression” (disobedient to God). Generally speaking the vast majority of believers are not “transgressors” even though they commit some sins every once in a while. The key difference is all those who once knew righteousness but chose a different path as labeled as “transgressors” in God’s sight. This is true for those who walk away from the general faith of God and including those who practice one specific sin repeatedly. The Lord is not big on condemnation but He is real big on honesty and effort. So never let it be thought that the Lord is a strict task Master because that is not true. However, the Lord will show every person a lot of grace and mercy if they will yield to His Holy Spirit to rid themselves from habitual sins that led to “transgression”. The Lord did not empower His Precious Beloved Children with the Name of Jesus and wash them in Blood of Jesus so that they would live a defeated life of “transgression”. So please, dear Saint of God, remove all reoccurring sins that would cause some to think of “transgression” by immediately asking God’s forgiveness to make you white (clean) as snow. Yes, every humble and honest Christian can never be a “transgressor” because they are quick to repent and quick to confess their faults and failures to God. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is Our Way, Our Truth and Our Life we never should be labeled a “transgressor”. This ungodly title is only reserved for those who chose to walk outside of the Love of God by open rebellion to the Holy Word of God. We are called apart (away) from “transgression” so let us never be partakers with those who are contrary to God's Will, let all the Saints say, “Amen!”