Scripture Reading - Mark 11:25-26 KJV

25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

In the world today many people are hurting both physically and mentally. However we (ihlcc) know of no greater wound than the spiritual cut of “unforgiveness”. This sin of “unforgiveness” plagues both the Christian and the non-believer. Yes, Jews and Gentiles alike suffer great pain from “unforgiveness” because walking in “unforgiveness” keeps you at a distance from God. Yes, our Heavenly Father is a God of Love but His Great Love for you will never overlook a simple task of obedience. This is a character test of who you are not just what you know to be right. The Lord will have an abundance of mercy upon both saints and sinners but if you know more then that more you know will be required of you in your fellowship with God. The Lord is just in His assessment of mankind because all those who don’t know about God’s great plan of salvation will have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them and those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior know about the freely given “forgiveness” of God. The “forgiveness” of God extended far beyond our personal sins. Yes, God’s grace and mercy “forgave” us for all past, present and even future sins we could commit. This is beyond carnal comprehension because to truly understand that God Loves you so much that He wanted to “forgive” you even when you were considered His enemy. Mankind knows no such love that will make the sacrifice of their very own son to save a race of people who don’t even know Him and were incapable in their fallen state to love Him in the same manner He Loved them. However, the gracious Lord saw fit to bless us in spite of ourselves. First thing we need to understand about making a decision to become a Christian is that the Father God “forgave” us by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. This foundational truth of Christianity is embedded into every born-again Christian so it is inexcusable, dearly beloved, to decide that another person on this earth is not worthy of this Precious Blood of Jesus. You see dear believer when we refuse to forgive another we are not denying our own blood because we shed nothing, we are openly denying them the application of the Precious Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus flows through His Body and we are the Body of Christ upon the earth. We are supposed to represent our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus on this earth on our way to Heaven with all the saints. This is the reason some (including ihlcc) categorize this sin of “unforgiveness” as the unpardonable sin. Yes, notice verse 26 and let it sink deep down in your heart because if you willfully decide to harbor “unforgiveness” in your heart you place the evil one (Satan) on your throne instead of God. This is no small matter so absorb the gravity of this truth which is, “forgive all and forgive quickly lest you find yourself outside of Christ instead of in the Body of Christ Jesus our Lord”. Remember, Jesus is only your Lord if you do as He does, it is not what you know it basically comes down to what you are doing with your fellowman on this earth because rest assured if you will not forgive another God cannot forgive you. This begs the question, “Why did you ever get saved, if you refuse to be like the Savior, Jesus Christ the Gracious Forgiver?” Amen.