Scripture Reading - Psalm 133:1-3

1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. KJV

Today many people are falling into sin because of disharmony. The average person takes no thought about how their words and actions affect other people. This brings us, the Christian, to a lower place of carnality (flesh ruled, naturally governed) because we fail to seek “God’s Spirit of Unity”. Notice that in verse 1 it clearly states, “how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”. This verse has several things going on at the same time working together which is the general definition of “unity”. Let us (ihlcc and you) examine some of the things at work in verse 1. The first one being it is good which means it is God’s Will for people to live in “unity”. Therefore we should always strive to do God’s good will. Secondly, the scripture tells us it is pleasant or we could say, “pleasing”. This means that when we decide to dwell in “unity” it creates a sweet atmosphere of love which allows God’s peace and favor to permeate the hearts and minds of those involved. Thirdly, notice that this verse is speaking expressingly to Christians and Jewish believers. The word “brethren” is not common in the world’s system, no rather it is a family term exclusively used for the Children of God. Although other people and groups may use this term outside of Christianity we know whom the Psalmist King David was talking to when he used it and it matches the same intention when God our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ used it. Our Lord Jesus considers us (all Saints, all God’s Children) as His holy brethren because we are His family simply because we all share the same Holy Heavenly Father. Fourthly notice that we are suppose to dwell (abide, fellowship, live) together in “unity”. Yes, we should purpose to be in “oneness of mind” to live together in harmony of soul and spirit. We (ihlcc) often think if we don’t agree with a certain viewpoint from another minister, person or ministry we don’t bring contention and complaint to that person, minister or ministry. We (ihlcc) simply try to accentuate the same points (doctrines, issues, ideals) we do agree on. This creates “unity” and keeps God’s Love flowing between us. We know that all people think a little differently so it is not good to dwell on the items of division and dissension but rather purpose to highlight the good things of God that are worthy of praise to produce “unity” instead of strife. Doing this among our fellow brethren will bring the answer found in verse 3 which is “the Lord commanding the blessing” upon are “union”. The holy “union” of brethren must be built upon the “unity of faith in our God” to will bring God’s Life unto us forevermore. When we have no “unity” of heart we are not in “unity” in Christ which means our own divisions will keep us apart. Since we only have One Lord, One Savior and One Blood to bring us into God’s complete Salvation it would be a shame to let smaller less important issues keep us from the “unity of love” Christ died for on One Cross. Amen.