Scripture Reading - Acts 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. KJV

In this verse of scripture the Lord declares to His disciples that they shall receive power. Yes, you too can receive this Heavenly Power in the Person of the Holy Ghost. However we must notice that this power is conditional upon the Believer fully receiving the Holy Spirit. The condition that the Lord expresses for their supernatural power is after the Holy Ghost is come upon them. The Person of the Holy Spirit is divine and His Presence serves multiple purposes. One purpose is so that every believer can bear the fruit of God’s Spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. This is referred to as the nature of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you. Another purpose referred to in this verse of scripture is the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for your testimony and service unto others. One is an inward working for you personally while the other is an outward working to help people. If we allow the Holy Ghost to be totally involved with our life we will openly distribute His abundant life to others. When you are full of God’s Love and Life through the Holy Spirit you will be successful in ministering to others. As Christians we are limited in our ability to help others and that is exactly why we desperately need His Supernatural Power upon us. Notice that His power (His ability) upon us is for a purpose, the main reason given here is so that the Christian can be an effective witness to the life changing reality of Jesus Christ being raised from the dead and alive right now in their life. We must never lose sight that we are witnesses unto His Grace, His Love, His Cleansing Blood and His ever-living presence working in the earth right now. So don’t feel that you must win people to Jesus Christ through your own ability but realize that you have the ability of God upon you for witnessing. Your part is to be a faithful witness of Jesus Christ, and then they must chose to believe your testimony about Jesus by allowing the Holy Spirit to come into their life. Your words are His Hand reaching out to them while your witness is His Heart reaching unto them. If they receive your words of truth and your witness of love they will receive Jesus into their heart when they are ready, not necessarily when we are ready. Our faith must rest in the Grace of God, not in the wisdom of man. So even though the Power of the Holy Spirit can do miracles the conversion of a sinner to a Saint is the most precious miracle of all involving one of God’s “Witnesses”. Amen!