
Scripture Reading - Matthew 6:25-29 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

25 I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food or clothing?
26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?
27 Can worry make you live longer?
28 Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes.
29 But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus in today’s lesson we will speak on the subject of “Worry”. Of course we know that there are plenty of things to “worry” about in the world today. We also know that the problems in this earth are real and certain problems can affect you. However, today’s reference scriptures are spoken from the lips of Jesus Christ. The words of Jesus are more than just a great teacher speaking they are also the Words of God spoken unto all mankind and they are intended for all people all over the face of the earth. Yes, whether you are a saint or sinner the words of Jesus apply directly to you even if you don’t think so. It is a fact that a large percentage of people alive today “worry” both rich and poor with all classes in-between. They all worry about various things. We (ihlcc) are certain that the people of America “worry” about the future of the economy, they “worry” about health care, they “worry” about the state of the government and multitudes “worry” about their own money and their life in general. Yes, all these things and many more are certainly items of concern if you are concerned about the future but the question is should we be concerned about the future? The biblical Godly answer is, no! We should not be concerned (worried) about the future because our future in Christ Jesus (God) is always bright. Why not? Someone may ask and the answer is Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the answer simply because Jesus is the Word of God and the Word of God has something to say about everything going on in the world today and The Lord specifically knows what exactly will affect you individually. Yes, if you had worldly concerns (which some would consider “worry”) then you need to consider the One larger than the world. Why? Because Thee One larger than the world can certainly take care of the world and all those people (souls) in it. Yes, again if your “worries” are of a personal nature wouldn’t it make sense to consider the source that is larger than you personally. We know according to the reference scripture displayed today that God will provide food to those that are hungry, if they are looking to Him (God) as their source. In verse 28 the Lord Jesus teaches us “not to worry” about our clothes suggesting that God will supply clothes for the naked, if they are looking to Him as their source for provision. Of course this doesn’t only apply to the naked but anyone who is in need of more clothing because sometimes people just need new clothing. The Lord provides for these people too simply because He Loves all people and The Lord is looking to show Himself strong to all those who trust in Him. It really doesn’t matter the exact condition of the need what matters most is if the person is looking at God for their source of provision. Since God purposed to clothe everything we see in the earth we can clearly see that He wants to be involved with the clothing you see for yourself and others see upon you. Many Christians and non-believers don’t realize that God is always working behind the scenes to help whoever He can. Yes, He is doing this for those who ask for His help and the Lord is also working for the unbelievers to help them too because God loves all liberally. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begot Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish (go clothes-less, go hungry, have lack, die prematurely, be sick, etc…), but have everlasting life and live this life more abundantly (be clothed well, eat well, be full financially, live long upon the earth, be healthy spirit, soul and body, etc….). – Refer to John 3:16 Now this explains the provision of God individually but our Loving Heavenly Father also looks out for us globally. Yes, the Lord Jesus is coming soon to the earth which means God is coming back to receive His Own Children. Yes, the children of God, known as Christians, the saints are going to be extracted from the earth before the great tribulation just for the purpose of keeping us isolated from the trouble, pain, suffering and anguish of multitudes of non-believers in this world. The bottom line is it is God’s Will to protect His Children from trouble. Yes, we all need to believe this wholeheartedly because if you personally believe that God is your personal protection you will be able to believe that everyday God and His Heavenly Host (the angelic forces of God) are providing protection for you. We (ihlcc) go even further than that by believing that God always keeps our immediate family members too, including our children, anyone living with us and our parents each and every day. The point is why “worry” when you know God’s Will? The problem is many believers don’t know God’s Goodness or His provision or His Divine Protection so they are “worried” about themselves and the future. Yes, this makes sense because if you know your own natural parents as being providers you will have confidence that you will never go hungry as the prodigal child realized in Luke 15:11-32. Likewise if you know God as your provider and protection you will automatically “remove worry” because there is no doubt, concern or fear in perfect fellowship with God when basking in His Awesome Love. So what we (ihlcc) are asking is for all Christians all over the earth to trust in God. This trust and confidence in God will “remove all worry” but this type of trust in God must come from your intimate fellowship with His Word. Yes, we are talking about studying God’s Word (The Holy Bible) daily beyond Sunday morning service & Wednesday evening service because each day has it’s own issues that manifest according to Matthew 6:34. Yes, spending time daily with God keeps you loving Him faithfully because you do know Him closely and that will remove “all worry” even though “worry and unrest” will try to torment your life. As we (ihlcc) have heard before, “If the devil captures your mind he has essentially captured you!” So don’t let the enemy have any place in your thought life but rather identify thoughts (suggestions) from the evil one quickly and cast down his evil thoughts with a strong positive confession of faith that is founded upon God’s Word. Then, the peace of God will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus in line with Philippians 4:6-9. Doing this will keep you healthy, strong and wise because you would have replaced all fears with God’s Loving Word which removes all “worries” too. The “worry free life” in Christ Jesus is the secret to our joyful success and happy life in this earth in the Name of Jesus. Amen!