Scripture Reading - John 4:21-24 ESV

21 Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.
22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

Our Gracious Lord Jesus Christ was speaking to a woman of Samaria who came to the well to draw water. What she quickly found out was that the water in the well was not as good (refreshing, invigorating) as the water (the word) coming from The One sitting on the well. This woman made the mistake many religious people make today by thinking all “worship” to God is good (acceptable, permissible, equal). However Jesus quickly dismissed that thought by the statement, “you worship what you do not know but we (the saints) worship what we know”. This has dual meanings; for one the key in worship to God is not speaking words of humility and awe to live whatever way you desire. That is not true worship to our Heavenly Father because the Lord desires your heart which means He is expecting pure “worship” of love and adoration that can be seen in your lifestyle, thus “worshipping” God in Spirit. Secondly, the Lord does not want us to “worship” Him in fear and ignorance as our religious duty. Many religious people are “worshipping” God according to their perverted ideology of Him. This means when they think God is a mean task master who requires “worship” to minimize punishment for sins by appeasing His wrath. They are “worshipping” God in vain because they know not what they are “worshipping” simply because they don’t know the God of Worship (Love). Our God is an awesome God worthy of all praise, glory and honor because He loves us. This awe inspiring love for us persuaded us to choose His plan of Salvation for our lives so that we could grow in our fellowship and understanding of His Goodness. Thus, this clearer understanding of God is what is referred to as “worshipping” God in Truth. We, as born-again believers, have the Love of God shed abroad in our hearts to purely “worship” God in Love and Gratitude (Thankfulness). We also have His Word which explained to us His thoughts, His nature, His requirements, His Mercy, His Compassion and the sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. This is why we whole-heartedly “worship” God because He saved us unto Himself by the redemption of our soul through Jesus Christ, the Savoir of the World. Yes, God is always worthy of “worship” and His worthiness is always the same, this fact cannot be questioned or ignored. The only question we all much ask ourselves is, “What is true worship of God without the true nature of God motivating you to do it as a free-will offering from inside your heart”. We (ihlcc) believe now is the time to “worship” our Heavenly Father simply because now is the time of your great salvation through Jesus Christ. “Worship” is not reserved to an elevated (high, mountain-top) place because it reaches unto the Heavens. “Worship” is not for only one secluded location because what is more secluded (reserved) than your heart before God. No, my dear brother and sister “worship” is of the heart, and not just any heart but rather the heart of God freely flowing from each believer unto our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, for they are worthy of our unlimited “worship”. Amen!