2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. KJV

Many believers quote this verse in reference to prayer but this verse has some prerequisites that must be fulfilled before their prayers can be heard. We will now examine a few points that must be accomplished by the individual believer to get the desired results. The desired results are typically the “Healing of the Land” but the conditions of God must be met first. We should not expect God to do His Great Part unless we have already done our small part. The verse starts out with “If my people, which are called by my name” which introduces the condition by the word “IF”. This portion of scripture is speaking directly to the Jewish believers in the Old Testament and all the Christians of the New Testament. Notice God singled out His People in comparison to just any person praying. The point is that God has a covenant with His people called by His Name because they represent His interest in this earth. The majority of people only represent their own agenda or the desires of other people they esteem valuable. Therefore dear Christian and Jewish believer please acknowledge the Lord in “humility” because bowing down to your Creator is the first (and proper) position for prayer. The Lord mentions for us to humble ourselves which is always easier said than done. Humility is the proper attitude and behavior that understands God’s majesty in comparison to man’s frailty. The Lord knows all, understands all, and is all so for men to think that they have a better plan is ludicrous and prideful. We come to God through the avenue of prayer with seeking God’s face as the spirit (heart) of the prayer. The Lord had to separate these two items because many people pray but few really seek His face. Seeking God’s face is seeking His Word in the atmosphere of Love fully intending to do whatever the Lord said. Some people pray to a God they don’t know so they are not looking for Him to answer them. Still others pray to God for what they want not necessarily what God wants, they also are not looking to follow God’s direction. We have even seen people pray for two minutes to check prayer off their daily planner (routine) without considering spending some time to hear back from God once they have prayed. To earnestly seek God’s face will take some extra time whether a day, a month or longer. The faithful believer will spend whatever time is necessary, surpassing the minimal requirement. The point is seeking God’s face requires more time and more dedication because prayer starts the communication but seeking His face is an all out heart fellowship unto completion of God’s Will. Next the scripture tells the believer to “turn from their wicked ways” because unless we are right with God communication with God will be awkward. We must turn from wickedness to truly face God! It is impossible to have fellowship with the ways of the world and be looking directly into God’s Loving Eyes. No, to seek God’s face we must be repentant from evil by turning our back to this world to fully see the Light of God’s Love, in the person of Jesus Christ. The next part is critical because the key word in this whole verse is expressed which is “then will I hear from heaven”. Dear saint please realize God doesn’t even hear your prayer until you have satisfied these five conditions which are:

  1. Being one of His
  2. Having godly humility
  3. Acknowledging prayer as the proper channel to communicate with God
  4. Seeking Him with all your heart, not just as a formality and
  5. Completely removing wickedness from your life

We see in this scripture that the conjunction “and” is used three times in connection with our part. So don’t even think about only achieving one of these requirements. Yes, even three or four is not enough because all are included in this verse. This is not a list of suggestions or possible options but it is rather a statement of truth to help God’s people on the earth effectively communicate with their God in Heaven. The good news is that for the three “and’s” spoken for our submission God puts His own two “and’s” on His promise back to us. When we do our part of approaching God in softness of heart (humility) and repentance from wickedness with a hungry heart to crave God’s exact will “then” we have done our part. “Then” the Lord will start to move on our behalf by hearing (answering) our request and forgiving us (others too when necessary) and healing (blessing) our land for the benefit of many. We can not just bless this land of many all by ourselves we must look to Him from whom all blessing flow. God came to save mankind all He needs is a little cooperation on man’s part. Since God can rule the Heavens we know it will be no problem for Him to rule in the earth through the vessel of His people when given the chance. Some have thought that healing the land is in God’s Hand but clearly it is in the responsibility of the Believer to give God something to work with. Yes, the believer must first do their part to represent the Name of God in the earth as one of His Children. Next, humility must be the prayer shawl (tallit, tallis, talet) that is worn to meet with God in private. Next, doing lip service without a full heart engagement of seeking God’s Will (not man’s will) is futile because God is not involved when your heart is not focused on His perfect will for man. One must have turned from doing evil because to hold sin in your left hand while motioning to God with your right hand is disrespecting the office of God and the person of Jesus Christ as the high priest. How can the Lord properly represent or present a believer to the Heaven Father when their garments are all dirty and their inner heart is polluted with sin. So when we come to God we must be ready, willing and able to come to the Lord on His terms of righteousness standing completely washed and cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb. So remember when praying for this nation (or land) the initial foundation laid by your hands must be solid in holiness for God to add His part of “Hearing from Heaven”, then “forgiving our sins” and after that “healing this land”. Many believe it is the Governments job to bring healing to our land but I beg to differ according to this scripture. The cleansing of our land is not between mere men in positions of authority but rather it is in the hands of the humble Children of God. It really doesn’t matter what political party you are affiliated with what does matter is what family are you a part of. If you are in the family of God through the righteousness of Jesus Christ you immediately have an audience with God. Now all you need to do is wear the proper garments of humility, prayer, heart filled searching for God’s perfect will, and holiness (pureness) before God and man to enter into the inner court of God’s Presence. Once this entrance has been granted to the child of God it is not a matter of “if” God will speak to you, but rather just the patience of waiting for “when” God speaks to you. The answer of God is always “Yes” and “Amen” to the glory of God the Father in Christ Jesus our Lord. This means it is not about a high ranking official but it is about a lowly Believer who shuns sin and seeks God diligently for the healing of their land. If we, as the Body of Christ, could only learn not to look for men to do what only God can do we would be a lot further ahead. Legally (spiritually and practically), whatever place you are a citizen of gives you authority in that land to believe for a better place. Your legal authority on earth coupled with your citizenship in Heaven gives you access to divine help. This divine help through the mechanism of prayer allows your Heavenly Father to intervene on your behalf. Therefore when desiring a better land remember the choice is yours, not the worlds, because if you place your trust in men you will be sorely disappointed. The Lord Jesus is the Savior of the world so He can certainly save the land that you live upon. We must be wise enough to not get in strife with other people because any land divided will fall. Angela and I purpose in heart to love all people in all political parties because what the world needs is more love and less criticism (strife). Do we agree with everything our leaders say and do? Certainly, not, but does that give us the biblical right to speak evil of them? Certainly, not! We have enough respect (reverence) for God to speak well of our leaders to others publicly because we pray wellness for our leaders to God in private. If you think you can speak blessing over people in your time of prayer, then curse them publicly with men and God present you are deceived. No fountain can yield both salt water and fresh water at the same time. No, my dear friend, if you mingle (mix) your words before God about men He will not honor you by answering your prayer. We just read that you must meet certain conditions to come before the Lord and James 1:5-8 speaks of the same thing.

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. KJV

James tells us, that we must come to God in faith (one consistent confession), nothing wavering (being two sided, of a mixed opinions) because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James warns us that those who practice this double mindedness with God will receive nothing from Him. This is not a deep teaching because even a child knows, if he can’t make up his mind he should not approach his parents for a favor (a specific blessing). Since it is our desire to have our land blessed through the power of God we must be accountable for our words. Our mouth should always be an instrument of blessing filled with the good words of God. The Lord desires to be able to take you at your word, just like we purpose to take God at His Word. This trust can only be developed when we make good on honoring our words like God has already honored His Word by giving us Jesus Christ, the Promised Child. If your words honor men (and especially those in authority) God can trust you with the true riches of being filled with His Holy Spirit to keep peace in your mind and an overflowing love in your heart. It all starts by loving our fellow man, both lowly neighbors and high ranking officials, because all men need God’s Love through the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is not just a living organism for Heaven but it is also the healing medicine to cure the sickness of this world. Our land should be healed but we must purpose to heal people first, so that they will make the right decisions to allow God’s healing of our land. Remember, God works from the inside to the outside, so we too must start with the hearts of men to bring the outward healing of the land we live in. Throughout time we see the people of God having a right heart toward God to establish a good land in which to live and today is no different. If you can start seeing all people as blessing for the earth instead of curses upon this earth, you will do well because your prayers and your heart will be one (united, in agreement) in God’s eyes. Humility knows that God loves all and we, as faith filled children of God, should see people through the eyes of God’s love to minister unto them. If you can receive these words into your heart know with all confidence that God will receive your prayers into His Heart because His Word said so. You can always take God at His Word and history has proven the same God who hears our prayers will forgive our sins and heal our land, if we can but humble ourselves in His Holy Name. Realistically speaking, the problem is not the economy of this land but rather the results of sin running rampant in the land through the wickedness of men. Since many people are blinded to these truths it is our responsibility, as children of God, to ask our Heavenly Father for His divine intervention in these matters that are outside the authority of our own household. If we will rule over our own lifestyle in truth and holiness God will influence the things effecting our lifestyle to the best of His ability. It is not just because He loves us so much (and He does) but it is because God loves everyone so much that it is His Will to bless all men all over the land in the goodness of His great love. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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