Spoken Word

Receiving Healing through God's Spoken Word

When we are referring to the Spoken Word that is when the receiver did not have to do anything specific in their actions to consummate the healing. Yes sometimes people consider speaking an action which it is but we are referring to doing something beyond speaking when we are considering examples for the Spoken Word only. There exists combinations of methods but in this lesson we are only considering methods that reveal God's Word spoken and then healing following those words.

Old Testament

Psalm 107:19-20
19 Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.
20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. KJV

This gives us a scriptural foundation for speaking God’s Word to someone else for their healing and achieving the desired results of healing in their soul and body. Only God can heal the sick spirit and that happens during salvation by excepting Jesus Christ as their Lord.

Proverbs 18:20-21
20 A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. KJV

This gives us a scriptural foundation for speaking God’s Word to yourself for healing by receiving healing power in your soul and body. We speak God’s Word to release His Power into our spirit, soul and body.

Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham prays (speaks healing words) over Abimelech and his wife, and his maidservants for them to bear children and they were healed.

Since the scripture only states he prayed for them this qualifies under spoken words, it is obvious that Abraham did not touch or lay hands on all the household of Abimelech. Notice it is not noted that it took any faith on the part of the receivers but God did respond to Abraham’s faith.

Genesis 17:15-22, 18:9-16 and 21:1-7 The Lord speaks that Sarah shall have a son and she does.

Notice in this account that Sarah did not have to use her faith to believe God for a healing it was established between God and Abraham. We can note from Romans 4:16-25 that Abraham had faith in God’s promise and in was imputed unto him for righteousness.

1 Samuel 1:1-20 Hannah prays to God for a man child and Eli agrees with her prayer and God answers her request with a son.

This demonstrates the power of the spoken word (prayer) and also shows us the power of agreement. Certainly God hears and answers our prayers but we must walk by faith and be willing to honor God with all we ask for. No actions of faith were recorded only that God did His part when they were performing their natural part of coming together. This type of prayer can be used for married couples believing God for a child. If your spouse will not agree with you ask a minister of God to agree with you to have a child (or at least a mature Christian who walks by faith), then praise God for giving you a child in Jesus Name.

2 Kings 4:12-17 Elisha speaks the Word of Faith over a Shunammite women to have a male child according to the time of life and woman conceived and bare a son.

Notice no faith was displayed by the woman because at first she thought that the man of God could be lying to her. However the man of God had faith and his faith in God was sufficient to make her pregnant when coming together with her husband. No action of faith was recorded by to receiver. However we must note that because this woman gave the man of God a place in her home, the man of God had authority to consummate a blessing unto her household. We must have the authority in the other person’s life to use our faith for them.

New Testament

Luke 4:31-32
31 And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days.
32 And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. KJV

God’s Word is the source of His Power according to Hebrew 1:3 and 4:12 this is why must speak God’s Word (His Life, His Power) into the people to bring healing unto them. This method includes bringing healing to your soul and body in the Name of Jesus. Generally the authority is in Jesus Name but the Power is in God’s Word.

Matthew 8:5-13 Centurion servant healed by Jesus speaking only
Luke 7:1-10 Same healing from the Apostle Luke’s account

Notice in this example the faith of the Centurion triggered the Word of Jesus being spoken for the sick servant and healing followed. The servant in this example did nothing to manifest God’s Healing power, no words of faith are recorded from the servant nor is it recorded that he acted on his own faith. This example can be used to pray for anyone in your household, anyone under your own roof qualifies.

Matthew 15:21-28 A woman of Canaan daughter is healed from vexation of a demon.
Mark 7:24-30 Same healing from the Apostle Mark’s account – Woman know as a Greek, Syrophenician by nation

This let us see again that no faith or action of faith was displayed by the recipient but the parent (in this case a mother) had authority and faith to cause Jesus to grant her request. Since this woman was not a firm worshipper of God we should note that God’s Will is not based upon our actions or holiness. This will work if needing to remove an evil presence (oppression, etc…) over a child and it can also be used to remove sickness (fever)or disease (discomfort) from a child by the parent exercising their faith in God’s Word in the authority of the Name of Jesus.

John 4:46-54 Nobleman’s son was sick unto death, but nobleman believed Jesus spoken Word

Notice is this example that no faith was shown by the receiver nor was any actions recorded by the receiver, but faith producing actions were displayed by the father, the nobleman, the authority figure in his life. This can be used to pray for family member that is under your authority. This healing is recorded as a miracle in verse 54. This is the only record of this healing, recorded in the Gospel of John only.

The Holy Bible shows us several cases where “Spoken Word” was used as the method of healing. We will mention the ones discussed in this sermon for examples incase you encounter any one of these conditions: Barrenness concerning child bearing, sick of palsy (dying) and tormented for someone in your own house, vexation of a child by an evil spirit (unclean spirit oppression), and sickness unto death for a child (possibly bedridden). Since all these cases are covered in the Holy Bible you have a sure foundation for believing for healing through “Spoken Word” if the situation you are dealing with fits this condition. Remember, all those who received their healing in the New Testament received based upon the faith of another person. Notice that all those who came to Jesus in faith had some authority over the person they were believing to get healed. You can not take authority over someone else’s will so be careful not to blatantly claim someone’s healing where you don’t have any authority.

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