I thank you loving Father, that your Word declares in Job 22:28 - Decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and upon your promise of Mark 11:23 which declares I can have what I say! All these blessings are established in my life and in the lives of my family members. Amen!

I AM forgiven from sin, I AM cleansed from all unrighteousness!

I have all Gods wisdom for the rearing of the children!

The baby in my blessed womb sleeps through the night!

My family and I are healed from the top of our heads to the souls of our feet by the stripes of Jesus!

My body weight is perfect, for my body is the Temple of God!

The child is blessed period!

Your beautiful child in my blessed womb has a heart for God!

Gods abiding presence keeps my womb in all comfort!

The baby in my protected womb is healthy, whole and prosperous, and has a perfect strong heart beat!

I have the BLOOD of JESUS, therefore my blood pressure is consistently good and changes not!

Pain thou are removed from this household forever in Jesus name!

I thank you Lord that my body is healthy and fruitful and abiding in the vine of Christ - based on your Word, we expect blessed fruit from our bodies!

No thing shall blemish or spot my pregnancy and delivery!

For I have already been delivered in childbearing!

For my body is restored!

I AM delivered in Jesus Name!

Your Love and your hand of mercy blesses us during the pregnancy and your anointing power of comfort and peace flows abundantly in us and through us!

The baby shall have vaginal birth - a quick, smooth and free of complications birth with the head coming out of my womb first and the body soon after!

We thank you Lord for your rotation of the baby at the right time into the perfect position for a comfortable, quick and smooth birth!

My breast are blessed by God Almighty!

All our needs are supplied because my God has supplied all our needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus!

We are rich and have abundance and lack nothing!

I do hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. I know His voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow.

The Spirit of Truth that abides in me teaches me all things and guides me into all truth!

I have the manifestation of God's Wisdom in every situation!

The Angels of God protect this family from all accidents and any tragedy!


I AM regenerated by God!

Thank you Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit for daily loading me with all these benefits of your Word.

I love my Jesus!

Yes, I will always love you Lord!

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