A Valuable Lesson I Learned From God!

One day while playing with the children, I noticed that Elizabeth started behaving strangely. The first thing I thought was, "Lord, should I do anything?" The Lord said unto me, "Lay your hands on her and command this sickness to depart." I wasn't sure if it was The Lord talking to me (you know our mind will always fight against the Word of the Lord), so I waited. Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good (true).-1 Thessalonians 5:21 As a believer we don't have to make haste and be in fear, sometimes waiting helps confirm in us our confidence that it is actually the Lord speaking to us not the deceiver. This confidence (blessed assurance) strengthens our faith when we stand against opposing circumstances. Sometimes it is good to watch and pray as Jesus told His disciple to do when danger was coming.-Mark 14:38 After about 5 or 10 minutes my wife noticed the same thing. After this second witness I knew for sure that the words spoken to me were from the Lord. So I knew exactly what to do. I knew to obey what He told me to do - Command that sickness to depart in the Name of Jesus and give Him praise for the victory. As a parent and spouse it seemed harder for me to cast down worry and fear if I saw something wrong with my wife or the children. I would be concerned and careful about them. Then the Lord showed me His Word a revelation from God to help me understand the ways of the spirit world according to Galatians 6:7-9

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh (fear, worry, concern, carefulness) shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit (Love, joy, peace, trust, thanksgiving, rejoicing) shall of the Spirit (or by God's Spirit and Word) reap life everlasting (The Victory). And let us not be weary (double-minded, faint hearted) in well doing (speaking words of faith and believing God for the victory); for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (doubt not).

You see friend, when I sowed concern into the child by my expressions and my attitude the child became concerned. When I thought the child was sick and start treating the child as if they were sick, then sickness became the child's fear too. I saw by the Spirit of God what I was sowing into the child I was reaping from the child. I knew then that I was going to have to make a change. I saw that no matter what it looked like in the natural I would have to sow God's spiritual forces like peace, joy (a smile), comfort, love, and the confidence that all is well to keep the faith of God at work. Faith in God and speaking the Word of God in confidence is what overcomes sickness, disease, discomfort, and any work of the enemy, fear only strengthens the problem. Remember, our Father God calleth those things which be not as though they were. -Romans 4:17 By doing this we give place to the things that are not present in our situations of life (healing, comfort, peace, prosperity, etc...). By speaking good words from the Lord (I am healed, My child is whole in Jesus Name) you access God’s Life, and through those positive words you are able to overcome the circumstances of darkness (sickness, pain, worry, poverty, etc....). Remember God's Word is life and health to all our flesh.-Proverb 4:20-22 So I had to go back to the basics and cast that care, fear, concern over to the Lord so He could take care of it, without me interfering.-1 Peter 5:7 My job was to resist any and all evil thoughts or fears and praise Him because I have the victory. When we pray we believe we receive.-Mark 11:22-26 Once I did this all was well. When I operated in the Peace of God that ministered peace to the child then the child had peace instead of fear. Even if the child thinks or acts some what fearful or concerned, when I consistently sow God's power of peace, comfort, love and joy the child will come into conformity with the Word of God because God’s Words of Love never fail. We as parents must walk by faith and not by sight. We must walk in confidence and not in doubt. We must believe we have already received to have. When we do our part God is faithful to bring His Word to pass when and where it is spoken in faith and love. Remember God said in Isaiah 55:11 - So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please (His Will), and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. God has spoken, therefore NOW we speak the same Word of God to get the results God has promised us and our family (our household). The Word does the work by the Spirit of God through the faith of God. The quicker I got in line with the Word of God the quicker and easier the victory became manifested in the natural.

The Lord reminded of the time when Angela had the first child. How she walked into the delivery room without fear, I'm telling you friend I could not sense any fear on her and because she was operating without fear that increased my faith and made me stronger. You probably know this to be true in your own experiences with people. That if one person tends to exude strength that makes you stronger and if another person seems to project weakness it drains your present strength. The Word of God operated by faith in the fearless love of God will always influence the atmosphere for the better (God's grace and life will prevail). We must take God's Word and His Love from within us and place Him (in Word and Spirit) on the scene to help others to overcome the opposing works of darkness. For surely the Word of God is too powerful for the doubts and fears of the devil. When operating His Words of faith in His Love you can never fail. The Love of God always wins because God is Love and He never fails.-1 Corinthians 13:8

I will always remember whatsoever I sow, that shall I also reap!

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