Pregnancy, what does that word mean to you? I'm sure each woman would have something different to say about the meaning of the word "pregnancy". Some from experience and mostly from hearing about other people's experiences. In most cases, not all, I'm sure you have heard mostly negative comments, just as I have. Well, keep reading don't close the book now. I believe we can all learn from experiences especially if the experiences are based on God's Word. That's exactly what you are going to get, my experience during pregnancy and the actual birth, which I based solely on the Word of God. Please stay tuned and let the Holy Spirit minister to you.

Let's begin by telling you, with my first born I was pregnant at twenty-four years of age. Before the baby was ever conceived my husband and I began confessing God's Word over the child and pregnancy. We both together combed the Bible for scriptures pertaining to childbearing. Everyone, always asked me was I experiencing morning sickness. My reply was always, "No, that morning sickness has no part or lot in my body". Don't misunderstand me, symptoms were sometimes present, but I didn't succumb to them. I did what the Word of God told me to do, and that is to resist the devil (sickness, disease) and that he would flee from you, and it did just that. All through my pregnancy I would read my confessions which were based on the Word of God to the baby in my womb. My pregnancy was just as I said it would be smooth and free of complications. It's funny, I really realize that if we will just do our part, God is faithful and just to do His Part! Well, He has already done His Part. One thing I strongly recommend is that you get some type of physical exercise. I walked at least a half-mile to a whole-mile a day. I got my husband in on it, and he kept me in line, he didn't let me slack off one bit (even in the ninth month). The walking did help, along with the Lord directing my eating habits. I didn't eat any chocolate, chips or junk food. Mainly I ate breads, pasta's, vegetables and fruits. All drinks that contained caffeine I stayed away from. I had been confessing that the delivery would be quick, smooth, free-of-complications, vaginal birth, and that is exactly what I had. Elizabeth Joy weighed in at 8 lbs and 1 oz.

Let me give you the doctor and hospital experience. The key is not yielding to fear. Remember the Word says fear has torment. Base everything upon the Word of God, then faith will come which works by Love.

God's Word drives out all the fears that try to overtake you
and the all powerful Love of God will never fail you!

In the Word it says to cast all your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you. It's true, He really does, He is interested in every faucet of your life. So let Him come into your pregnancy and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He shall direct your paths.

Now I will share some details about the actual time of my deliverance. I began to have contractions in the middle of the night, by this being my first born, I didn't know what to expect. Well, anyway - my husband had to be at work at 7:00 AM. The contractions started about 3:30 or 4:00 AM in the morning, at first they were like menstrual cramps not severe but noticeable. Well, they were pretty strong by the time my husband got up to go to work. It's funny, because he asked me should he stay home, I told him no it's just Braxton contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions are false labor, where your uterus is contracting preparing your body for the actual birthing of the child. Well, needless to say, by the time my husband got to work I was on the phone calling him to come back home. I told him it's not Braxton contractions its the real thing, so he came home. I had always said that I would be home most of my labor time, that when I got to the hospital, the baby would be ready to be born. Well, the contractions were getting stronger and closer together so we called my doctor. I think my doctor didn't believe it was the real thing - because instead of him telling me to meet him at the hospital He told me to come to his office first (I already had a schedule office visit that day). Since I wasn't showing a lot of actions or trauma people tended to think that I had a lot of time before the baby would be born. So off to the office we went. Finally we got there and I'm sitting in the waiting room, contractions growing stronger and still coming closer together. Finally he calls me back, he checks me over - I am at 4 cm - which is really good meaning it's real close now to the actual birth. Most say they would like you to start pushing at 10 cm. Well from my doctors office to the hospital is about a 30 - 35 minute drive, so I had a nice little ride. All the way riding in the car I turned on my gospel music and prayed in the spirit. I didn't have any fear. I knew what I said would come to pass, praise God for His Amazing Grace. They took all the information they needed and I walked into the birthing room. Then the doctor checked me over and told me I was at 6 cm. While I was in the birthing room the doctor broke my water sack. I arrived at the hospital about 11:00 AM and by 12:00 PM (1 hour later) my daughter Elizabeth (God's seed) was born at 8 lbs and 1 oz. During the whole process the Word of God was coming out of my mouth. No, I didn't scream and howler and act-up or lose control. I kept saying the joy of the Lord is my strength, God is good. My body wanted to scream but I had purposed in my heart to speak the Word only. Since I had been depositing God's Word in my heart during the pregnancy that is what came out during the birthing of the child.

God's Word brought forth my full deliverance!

Now, with my second child, we were really going to see what we were made of. So, yes I have been through one pregnancy and now I'm pregnant again at age twenty six. Your mind will tell you all sorts of things, that is why you have to keep your mind renewed daily with the Word of God and cast down imaginations, dreams, voices and every unholy thing that exalts itself against the Word of God. This pregnancy was totally different but similar, if that makes any sense. My confessions stayed the same, because the Word never changes. Some of the things that I did during the first pregnancy I didn't do in the second pregnancy. For instance as for my physical exercise I thought I was getting enough because I had a toddler running around, so I figured - notice I said, "I figured" that was enough exercise so I didn't walk like I did with the first pregnancy. In the end what I figured proved wrong, I wasn't getting enough exercise. My eating habits were the same in both pregnancies. Now was the time for the true test to see what my husband and I were made of (faith in God's Word or fears from the doctor's) and who are we going to put our trust in - God or man! Well, let's examine what happened in the following paragraphs.

Everything was going similar to the last pregnancy except this baby was more active than the last one. Now let's speed it up to the ninth month. I was scheduled to go to the doctor's office weekly. So my husband, and daughter and I went to the doctor, oh, I guess about two weeks before the assumed due date. The estimated due date they gave me was May 12th. They desired to give me a monitored test, which they really didn't give me a clear explanation as to how you are to position yourself on the table and what the purpose of the test is. Well, anyway the test is to measure the baby's heart beat during a contraction. Well, first off my usual doctor wasn't there. He was out of town. So I saw another doctor. The test result stated that during one of the contractions the baby's heart beat went down - meaning that the baby wasn't getting enough oxygen during a contraction (this was a non-stress test). Well, right after he told us what was going on. The doctor said he wanted us to go to the hospital and have a stress test. We said we had to think about it. Actually, we were going to pray about it, to see what our next step should be. They the doctors were real adamant about me going to the hospital and taking a stress test - in which they would have to put a I-V in me and feed me this drug called pitocine which would force me (my body) to have contractions - to monitor the baby's reaction. By this time, I am thinking to myself and telling my husband, "Lord I know this baby is fine, it is your seed and you know how to take care of your seed". It got to the point that they told me if you don't have this test, we won't deliver the baby (see man thinks he's the deliverer, and not God). I knew that I was already delivered, and I really believed I didn't need man anyway. I had just as soon go to the hospital myself to have this baby born. Well, my husband and I said maybe we should call one of our reliable sources and get counsel. Maybe they had a similar experience, right as my husband was dialing the number, the Lord spoke to him and said trust me, don't trust man, and sure enough the advice given wasn't what we were looking for. Their counsel was to follow whatever advice the doctors give you. So we just had to lock ourselves in on the Word of God and say, "We are going all the way with you Lord". My husband talked me into going to have the stress test done, because which was true this is God's Seed and they can do nothing to change that. When I got to the hospital - I had a really nice nurse - she had me lay on my side to take the test. See, in the doctor's office I was on my back. She told me that is the incorrect way to be positioned to have that test done because when you lay on your back the weight of the child could pinch the umbilical cord, which would keep the baby from receiving oxygen. Well, you know we passed that test with flying colors. Yes, the test was fine, no problems. Like the Lord had promised us. Well I thought I was finished, but they wanted me to have another test - this time a non-stress test - not at the doctor's office but at the hospital. I am starting to get upset again. My husband reminded me that this is God's seed. We prayed before each test and yes, this test we came through with flying colors, also. The doctor's figured that since the second baby is coming after the due day and the first one came right before the due day something was wrong. That is what they thought, that is not what God said in His Word. I had to cast down all kinds of imaginations and thoughts. I must have read Kenneth Hagin's book - Casting All Your Cares, 2 or 3 times just meditating those scriptures. The word worked to ease my mind and comfort my soul.

Well, it’s 2 weeks past the due date, and going into the 3rd week. Time for another doctors visit. My doctor was back. This was on a Thursday, He said, "I believe this weekend for the birth of the baby". My husband knew the date the baby was to be born, I was just ready. God always confirms His Word with signs following. Well, that whole weekend I began walking more than I had been. Saturday, Elizabeth, my husband, and I went out for a walk and my next door neighbor came out of blue from her house to get her paper and said, "Today, I believe you are going to have that baby". Remember, God's always confirms His Word with signs following. Sure enough about one and a half hours later my water broke, and I went to drop Elizabeth (my first born) off at my mother's house and went to the hospital. God is good all the time! By the time I got to the hospital I was at 4 cm but they didn't have a room for me. So while I was in a holding spot awaiting a room - The Lord told my husband I'm just waiting on a room. Once I got in the room, everything began happening, but not fast enough for my doctor. I was his sixth patient that day, he asked if he could give me pitocine again, I agreed. Praise the Lord, about one hour later Rachelle Celeste weighed in at 9 lbs and 2 ozs.

Yes, through all the test, God remained faithful. God's Grace was and still is upon me. You shall have what you say. Keep God’s Word in front of you, and trust in The Lord with all your heart. Begin speaking God's Word now, even if you aren't pregnant yet but expecting to be in the near future. Let His Word get so built up in your spirit that no matter what comes, the only thing that will come out of your mouth is the Word of God. The Word of God is true. Fear not, God is with you and He has delivered you in Jesus Christ. Amen!

Your sister in Christ
In His Love,

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