Women Delivered In Childbearing By The Power of God!

Luke 1:57
Now Elisabeth's full time came that She Should be Delivered; and she brought forth a son.

Luke 2:6,7
And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that She Should Be Delivered And she brought forth her firstborn son,......

1 Timothy 2:15
Notwithstanding, She shall Be Saved In Childbearing, if they (the man and the woman or the Man, Christ Jesus and the woman) continue in faith and charity (God's unfearing Love) and holiness with sobriety.

God's will for the mother is to be saved from the tormenting fears and multiplied pain in childbearing. Did not God our Father send The Holy Spirit to comfort us through our Saviour Jesus Christ? Certainly! Even Hebrews 11:11 states - Through faith also Sara herself (notice the Word says Herself, she believed God for the blessing) she received strength to conceive seed (a child). This shows how wives can look to God so that they can conceive. The doctors may tell both of you (you and your spouse), "You can't have children." However, don't lose heart, don't base your hopes on what the doctors say. Don't let the fear of man's inability become your mountain of blockage to the Abundant Life Jesus promised us. Base your hope on the Word of God because Christ is in you. He is our hope of glory according to Colossians 1:27. Let the Love of God cast out all fears by spending time in the Word of God this will sustain your mind with His Peace. Get out some good anointed books and tapes to keep your mind fixed on receiving the full blessing of God. Don't settle into the maybe not (doubtful) mentality of the world, but rather settle into the always victorious (very believable) word of God. Rest in the Presence of God (The Holy Spirit) as you hear the Word of God inwardly and outwardly. Remember Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. This is how you overcome all obstacles that try (notice I said try) to oppose you. When you speak the Word to the obstacles they will speak back to your mind with negative suggestions. Opposition has a voice that will try to overcome the words of your faith, but the Word of God is too quick and too power to be overcome. All we need to do is stand our ground on the Word of God by fighting the good fight of faith that speaks God’s Word no matter what. Jesus, the Word of God, is God Himself and who is able to stand against God. Remember, it is God in us (His Word with His Spirit) who fights the battle, not our own strength because the battle is the Lord and the victory is ours. That is one reason why He is worthy of all glory, honor and praise. It is the Power of God working in you to do His good pleasure and purpose according to His Word.-Ephesians 1:9-13

The Word does the work, if we are doers of the Word!

God said in 1 Peter 1:23

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth (in us and through us to others) and abideth (in us because we are in Him) forever.

For God makes that which is not into that which is; because He calls those things which be not as though they were. Simply saying God takes the things which men say you can not do and He does them with your cooperation as a Believer.

If we are bold enough to profess God’s Word, God is big enough to perform His will in our lives. If it was only up to man, we could not do extraordinary acts, but since we are Children of the Creator of the universe we can do all the things through Christ Jesus. The Lord said we can do them in the Name of Jesus because we do them with Him and He is in us to help us all the way through. Psalm 113:9 proclaims what God does by stating

He (The Lord) maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise Ye the Lord.

And Deuteronomy 7:13,14
....He (The Lord) will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee; He will also bless the fruit of thy womb,...... Thou shalt be blessed above all people; there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.

And Deuteronomy 28:2,4
And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Blessed shalt be the fruit of thy body,.....

That is three witnesses to let God's Word be an established truth in your heart and the ever conscious attitude of your mind. This will bless you and help someone you know who is in need of this truth because the freedom from the fears of problem pregnancies is liberating. There may be many who think that there is nothing you can do about pain, discomfort or misfortune but you don’t have to believe their words because you have the option to believe God’s Words.

For Sara herself was delivered of a child when she was past age (You mean that God delivered her even though, by the world's standards she was far past high risk age? You mean her age didn't limit the Power of God's Word? You mean God blessed her so greatly and she wasn't even born-again?) Yes, when problems and complications come know that God's grace is sufficient to overcome them. Yes, I know some will say, “but that was Sara; Abraham's wife”. I will answer, “Yes she is, but is God a respecter of persons?” No! God did it because deliverance is His Will for us and she believed God. Notice the last part of the verse in Hebrews 11:11

Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. KJV

When we receive His blessings and help we allow our Father God to take care of us. God delights in helping His children. For remember, God so loved us that He gave us and the world His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have (in them and with them) everlasting and all powerful life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (Delivered from all troubles, afflictions and fears).-John 3:16,17 It is our Father good pleasure to give unto us His kingdom.-Luke 12:32 God said it is My pleasure to give you My All which is Himself, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and His whole Kingdom-The Kingdom of God. You could not need more than that because nothing more than that can be offered. Yes nothing more than that even exists. The reason Sara received God's blessings in Hebrews 11:11 is because she (she did, not someone else for her) judged Him faithful who had promised. Remember Jesus told us in Mark 9:23 - If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him (and her too) that believeth. The decision is yours and the Power of God is available to you to bless you, others and God Himself. So you won't stumble at what God said in the beginning let us look at Genesis 3:16 - Unto the woman He said (past tense, not is saying) I will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.......Notice the words greatly multiply thy sorrow and in sorrow, now I will admit it didn't look good for the woman under the old covenant of judgement which when The Law was broken you received punishment. The woman was under a curse for disobedience but now you are in a better covenant, we are under the dispensation of Grace.-Ephesians 3:2 In our new and better covenant The Lord Jesus Christ has paid the price for our transgressions and disobedience. Praise the Lord. Glory to His Holy Name. He did it, it is finish. The Lord suffered the penalties (curses) of the Law for us so we don't have to suffer them according to Galatians 3:13.

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us! KJV

All we need to do is walk in the liberty He provided for us. Always remember Ephesians 2:8 paraphrased

We are saved (delivered) by grace through faith, it is not of yourself but it is the gift of God.

Isaiah 53:4,5 clearly shows us your deliverance from sorrows by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior

Surely (No doubt about it) He (Jesus) hath borne our griefs (tormenting fears), and carried our sorrows (that looks like multiplied sorrows and in sorrow-because the work of the cross brought to nothing the curses of the Law).....but He (Jesus) was wounded for our transgressions (our disobedience), He was bruised for our iniquities (evil motives): the chastisement of our peace was upon Him (Yes, you can have peace during and through the pregnancy, it is available to you and for you); and with His stripes we (you and others) are healed (not going to be healed, but rather now are healed because now faith is, away with morning sickness because you are healed).

No matter what time of day it is or what you feel like or what the doctors tell you or what the family members say to you, you are healed because the word of God is always true and the word will never change. Even when your physical body changes the word is unchangeable. Since God said you are healed then He expects you to believe Him above all others. The Doctor's are there to help aid you and assist you in receiving your full healing from God in your body. They themselves are not the healers, Christ is our Great Healer, for God is our divine health. So if the doctor's tell you something contrary to what God has promised you don't get offended just realize that they are trained and specialized in natural things they won't always understand spiritual things. Notice 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. .....But we have the mind of Christ. KJV

Therefore don't expect them to understand or do everything you do. Don’t expect they to agree with your faith and understand God’s promises the way you understand them. They are men, they are not God. When you get offended at them you open the door to the devil and shut the door to God’s peace. Offenses breed anger and feed fear these are enemies to you and your family and God’s power. These enemies hinder your faith but love builds-up your faith because love is the working power of faith. It is better to do what The Lord said to do in Romans 12:14,17-21 - Bless them who persecute you; bless, and curse not (don't get offended). Recompense to no man evil for evil (whatever you sow, you shall reap). Provide things honest (goodness, kindness, gentleness, humbleness) in the sight of all men (even unbelieving doctors). If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (God's not saying be a doormat for ungodly actions and words, but rather don't argue with them, let them (the unbeliever) speak and if it doesn't agree with the Word of God or the Witness of Truth which you have inside of you, be silent and pray for them and the situation your facing. Isaiah 30:15 states - In returning and rest (God's Peace) shall ye be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength; when you are quiet it is a lot easier to listen to what the Lord is telling you, over what man is telling you. Proverb 21:23 states

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles.

The strife of the devil will hurt you, the believer, more than it will hurt the unbeliever.) Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves but, rather, give place unto wrath (the place you give it is away from you, tell wrath and anger to be thou removed in the Name of Jesus, closing the door on wrath keeps the door open for peace and joy); for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (God will do His part, we don't have to do it for Him). Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head (simply put, if you can help your opposer or they ask for you to do something, do it, and if they don't need your help or they don't ask for your help then continue to pray for them and bless them with the Love of God flowing out of you). Be not overcome by evil (don't let the unbeliever influence you), but overcome evil with good (Let the power of God in you influence them, because Love never fails). When you bless those that come against you and God, you are walking in the perfect will of God and acting like your Father who is in Heaven by showing His Love to all according to Matthew 5:44-48. So pray for them, then thank God for being fully delivered and stay in peace and praise the Lord so God can continue to bless you with strength and understanding and wisdom. God said in Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him (or her) in perfect peace (the Peace of God), whose mind is stayed on thee, because he (or her) trusteth in thee. The key is keeping your mind on the Lord (The Eternal Solution) rather than the evil report and contrary feeling (the temporary problem). We must trust His Word and believe for the supernatural power of God to change the things of the natural because we walk by faith not sight. This walk of faith is what pleases God and this walk of faith gives us the victory that overcomes the world. This walk of faith keeps you out of the world's limited natural power and inside God's unlimited supernatural power. It is through faith that we receive the blessing of God and live above the curses of the law. Galatians 3:13 reminds us of our position in Christ and worth repeating to firmly establish this truth in your mind

Christ hath (past tense, a finished work) redeemed us (especially you, the believer) from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:.....

Why is it we still see some people under the curse, because of fear, unbelief and lack of knowledge (darkness). They gripe and complain about the changes going on in their body and by doing this they hinder and restrict the comfort of God. Any step out of Love is a step in the wrong direction. Our words should always be to edify, exhort or comfort.-1 Corinthians 14:3 It is a shame for me to say it, but some Christians are so afraid of the devil they don't want to resist him. They are afraid he can hurt them, this kind of perverted thinking is why Satan lord's over them. The Christian should have their thinking in line with the word of God which states in Luke 10:18-20

And he (Jesus, the Wise One) said unto them, I beheld Satan as lighting fall from heaven. Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not, that the spirits (evil ones of the world) are subject unto you (you have the power by God to put Satan under your foot because you are the Body of Christ); but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

This is the truth, God's Truth; but the truth not acted upon or believed profits you nothing. All you have to do is resist the devil and he will flee from you because you have submitted yourself unto God by believing and obeying His Word, therefore the enemy must leave, Satan can't win against God's Word. This why Jesus triumphed over the evil one by quoting the scriptures - It is written....... He triumphed over the devil first to show us how to defeat the enemy of our souls. Now we can boldly say Jesus has won, therefore now we have won, because we are in Christ Jesus. The Word spoken and acted upon has been proven by God to win over the world system, and has won over the enemy, and will always keep Satan under your feet. When you step out on the Word you automatically step over Satan and world system because the word is settled in heaven and Satan was cast out of heaven. By stepping out on the word you are lifting yourself up into the heavenly protection of the Father God. God spoke His Word and He is willing and able to backup His Word with action (The full manifestation of the Promise). The Lord did the work so we could enter into rest, the rest of believing and receiving by faith. Hebrews 4:2 and 3 tells us this

For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them; but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we who have believed do enter into rest, because the works were finished from the foundations of the world.

Jesus won the battle all we have to do is enforce the victory. We cast him out were he is trespassing and we cast down his lies by speaking the truth. We submit to what God said first, then resist the devil with the Word and then he (the sickness, ill symptoms, the fear, the doubt, any troubles,......any work of darkness) will flee from you because you speak the Word and believe you received what you speak. He has to run from the Word of God backed by the Holy Spirit of God with all the Angels of God behind it in the Name of Jesus. You have this awesome power in your authority to do good the Name of Jesus was personally given to you to use against the works of darkness. Submit your soul and body to the authority (unchangeable truth, established for the believer) of the Word of God, then let the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit direct your thinking and actions. Let your reborn spirit feed on the life of God's Word and sow seeds of love by praying for others in similar situations so you can reap a good harvest of love to keep a hedge of protection around yourself. For the captive of Job was turned when he prayed for his friends according to Job 42:10. Your reborn spirit is renewed day-by-day by the word of God (God's Will) when you feed on God’s Word daily. Your spirit thrives on doing the will of God, this is why the word of God is life to your spirit. The Word quickens your spirit and it is the food which strengthens your spirit and the spirit of the child and your whole family which is God's Family too. Once you have submitted your will to the will of God and committed your spirit to feed on the Word of God (God's Will). Then renew your mind by thinking and speaking the Word only no matter what you feel like. Understanding God’s Word will help you recognize that your physical body is the servant to do things under the authority of your reborn spirit. Make your natural body do whatever is necessary to become stronger in the Lord by renewing your mind. Remember when you walk in the spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance) you will not fulfil the desires (lust) of your body (the flesh). Your outer physical man may not feel like meditating God’s Word, or praying, or speaking the Word of faith but so what, do it because it is right in the sight of God. Your body is the servant, tell it what it is going to do, command your body how it shall feel and except nothing else in the Name of Jesus. Never let your body lead or rule your spirit, Adam and Eve did that and you know the story, but rather offer your body a living servant unto God, holy and acceptable, unspotted from the world this is your responsibility unto God according to Romans 12:1 paraphrased. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember God’s Promises, you know God's Will is to help you. This is why the Father sent the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus to comfort you, to reveal the hidden treasures of God's glorious wisdom unto you, to help you process the promises of victory.

1 John 5:4,5
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? KJV

The Lord has already promised you deliverance in the Name of Jesus now just receive this deliverance by believing His Word and speaking this promise over you and your baby before, during and after your pregnancy. Speaking this promise (truth) before and during will greatly help you and your family, and speaking it after the pregnancy will turn you into a witness of God’s Deliverance Power unto others. Now be bless, be in God’s Comfort and be Delivered in Childbearing in Jesus Name. Amen!

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