Receiving God's Grace to perform His Will in your Life.

Remember in Genesis 1:28 ..... God said to the man and woman: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Also Malachi 2:15 - And did not He make one? Yet had he the residue (the presence and excellency) of the Spirit (His Holy Spirit). And wherefore one? That He might seek a Godly seed. It is not just an issue of having a baby because you want to (or will to - because by grace are you saved through faith it is not of yourself it is the gift of God), but realizing that God's Will is for you and your spouse to help Him train by example and obedience a Godly seed (child) for His pleasure and purpose. God seeks a Godly seed in the earth, for The Father seeks such to worship Him in spirit and in truth. When you know you are doing God's Will there is Joy (unspeakable and full of glory for your heart) and Peace (that passes all understanding for your mind). We know that when we walk in God's Will He will take care of us and whatever He has told us to do. Since we are the branches in which the fruit hangs (John 15:1-6) will not the Master of the garden take care of the tree and branches and the fruit? Certainly Yes! The first thing the enemy will try to bring to the pregnant woman is fear. The liar will try to prophesy your future by telling you (usually through other women), " You might (key word - false power of suggestion) have a tough, long and painful delivery (or pregnancy), then the deceiver will send birds (thoughts and other people) to re-enforce his words to place concern into the child of God. The false power he uses in deception, for he is the deceiver of the brethren, if you believe and speak words of fear than you will have what you feared. Mark 11:23 ....... (he) that believes that those things (which) he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatever he says. Proverb 10:24 states it this way - The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him; but the desire of the righteous shall be granted. The power of life and death are in your control, not Satan's. We could say it this why, the hurts of sickness or the manifestation of divine health is in your control, the pains and sorrows or the comfort and peace of God is in your control. God said in Deuteronomy 30:11,14,19,20

For this commandment (God's Word) which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee (God is telling us we are not in darkness anymore), neither is it far off (only for the past or future, for now faith is). See, I (The Lord your God) have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil, In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in His Ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgements, that thou mayest live and multiply;........I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life (God's abundant provision, His nature, His eternal life, His Son, His Word, His Comforter) and death (the negative words of the devil, the fear of the normal man, fear of pain, dread of possible morning sickness, unbelief, worry, etc....), blessings (His Promises) and cursing (violations of the Law but you are not under the Law but under God's Grace, for Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law); therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live, that thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him; for He is thy life, and the length of thy days;

Also Jeremiah 21:8 And unto this people thou (Jeremiah) shalt say, Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I set before you the Way of Life, and the way of death.

Notice God has already done His part now it is up to us to choose the right path that we may receive the full reward. We must sow the right seeds so we can reap the right harvest of blessings. For the decision is yours, not God's, remember death and Life are in the power (control, or authority) of the tongue,-Proverb 18:21 We can say life and death are in the power of your tongue. If your tongue is strong, thou shall be strong! If your tongue is health, thou shalt be healthy! If your tongue be moved by faith, you shall have the manifestation of what faith promises in God’s Word. If your tongue is led of Love, then surely the Love of God will keep thee! However if your tongue is full of troubles, complaints and fears, then of a truth you will not have the manifestation of God but rather the manifestation of fears and troubles. For Jesus is the High Priest of our confession and He is faithful to make good on what He has Promised. God the Father said it, Jesus showed us it works and demonstrated the Father's faithfulness and sent us the Holy Spirit to help us. All we have to do is believe it and speak it, then He brings it to pass in our lives by the working of His Holy Spirit. This Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is Good News because it is news about Jesus and what He did for us. His News, His Report is His Word, His outpouring to us is His Spirit. His Spirit is the Holy Spirit and all this we have in us right now. Therefore, we have victory alive and well in us, we shall not be defeated nor shall we fear because this same glory that raised Jesus from the dead shall quicken (bring to full life) your mortal body by His Spirit that dwells in you.-Romans 8:11 So fear not, only believe! For what a person believes in their heart, they can conceive possible in the spirit, they will say with their mouth and their physical body will confirm to it (with patience and consistency by faith). The Spirit of God brings to pass the words of God. God commands us to speak His Word because we are His children. Angela and I bear witness that the Word of God works in you, over you, around you and through you, if you put his word first place in your life! When you don't put God's Word first then you will think naturally (without His Light and then darkness abides), you will be vulnerable to the world's system and the world system operates in what it sees and feels. The natural world always takes what it sees, hears, smells, tastes and feels as the facts. Then they try to do something to help fix what they perceive with their body, if they can not fix it, then they say you will have to live with it there is nothing you can do about it. The world takes the natural as the truth and anything else as unrealistic (or not excepting reality), they believe what they see is how it is. Many doctors and nurses operate primarily by the historical data from previous patients. You, my faith friend, can operate by the Word of God exercising your rights and privileges as a born-again Believer. You don’t have to preach to them or persuade them with your faith. Your faith is between you, the baby and God, believe God to keep both of you during and after the pregnancy. This world's system of thinking and living is totally contrary to God. God works by Faith, not by sight. The world says nothing can be done for your situation while Jesus said in Mark 9:23

If thou (you) can believe, all things are Possible to him that believes.

Doctors say you will experience sickness and discomfort while 1 Peter 2:24 states

By whose (the Lord Jesus) stripes you were (past tense) healed.

The world says you just can't do that while Philippians 4:13 declares

I (you, Believer of the Word) can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

See the difference between the world's way which Satan is over and the Word's Way, Jesus Christ, which our Heavenly Father is over. We are not the sick trying to get healing but rather we are healthy whole Christians resisting sickness. We are not the weak trying to get strength but rather the stronger in Christ resisting weakness. We are not the fearful trying to get faith and love but rather we are the faithful that walk in God’s Love which casts out all fear. We are not children of darkness trying to get Light but rather we are Children of Light expelling darkness. We are all these things and more in Christ Jesus, He won the battle so we can walk in the Victory. Meditating on who you are in Him will make it easy for you to believe, confess and receive His full blessing (His abundant grace for any situation). By realizing God’s Will for all women in childbearing, we see that you are already delivered by Him, but to experience His deliverance you must believe you are delivered. Remember God calls those things which are not as though they were, because they are in Him. For by faith you stand. We, having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak, knowing that He who raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus,.....2 Corinthians 1:24 and 4:13,14 So as a born-again believer walk in the power and truth of 1 Timothy 1:7 which states

God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power (the authority of His Name and the strength of His Glory), and of love (The never failing Love of God), and of a sound mind (His peace which passes all human understanding and reasoning).

So that you receive your already provided for complete deliverance from fears and troubles of the world. For God has given you the victory in Christ Jesus!

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