Scripture Reading - Acts 15:36-39 KJV

36 And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.
37 And Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark.
38 But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.
39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;

In our previous message we (ihlcc) spoke about “Chemistry” and how important it is to take advantage of good “Chemistry” between those that you are in productive relationships with. In that lesson we pointed out that God has caused us to have “Chemistry” with certain individuals for the sole purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God. However, since we all acknowledge the reality of God in Heaven we must also accept the fact that we will face some difficulties from our adversary the devil and the flesh of man. For example, in Acts 13:1-3 we witnesses a God ordained ministry between the Apostles Barnabas and Saul (Paul) but just two chapters later we notice a split between the two. This split between Barnabas and Paul was in reality a break-up of the ministry God had ordained for them as partners. We are not supposed to be of the world but rather just living in this world until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ or our departure unto Him in Heaven. We (ihlcc) would like you to notice that, yes, even God ordained relationships can come to an end when no one is willing to compromise to remove all “Contention”. Yes, saints and sinners alike have a choice in what they do. Paul could have allowed John to come or Barnabas could have waited to take John at a later day but no one was willing to compromise their decision to remove the “Contention”. The word “Contention” is discussed in this lesson to contrast “Chemistry” because the absence of “Chemistry” will usually bring some form of “Contention” if the opposing people stay together for too long a time. This is not to say you will always get along with all people because that is not true. The key is recognizing those who think differently than you in major and important areas and avoiding those conversations which means you may need to avoid certain people. The word “Contention” basically means strife or conflict in the sense of having a dispute or controversy with another. All good (truthful, fruit bearing) Christians know that strife or we could say “Contention” should not be named among the brethren and even “Contention” between saints and sinners should be held to a minimum. What we (ihlcc) mean by a minimum is that the only time “Contention” (strife) is allowed is when it is absolutely necessary. Like holding fast to your confession of faith when tempted to do evil. We don’t believe in arguing just to make a point but we do believe in removing ourselves from perverted people having wicked conversations. We will also quickly remove ourselves from people who don’t value God’s peace just like the Holy Spirit does when people walk outside of love. As Christian’s we must remember that we don’t have to fight a battle Jesus has already won. It is pointless to try to argue the gospel when the Holy Bible states to simply preach the Gospel of Peace. Yes, just live Him (God’s Presence) don’t force Him (God’s Word). The people who oppose the Word of God which is the Gospel of Truth will stand before God not you. So simply shake off the sting of their unbelieving words as you would the dust of your feet and move onward to keep focus upward toward God. Whenever “Contention” is present we must guard our heart to steer clear from it. Yes, strife and debate hurt people and grieves the Holy Spirit so humble yourself and be wise by departing from it. If we know “Contention” is on the horizon because we can see it coming from afar off we are to immediately quiet down or remove ourselves from the source of the problem, which is typically insensitive people. The more we become good listeners the better we will recognize “Contention” trying to pull us away from God and closer to the devil. We (ihlcc) firmly believe that all Christian’s can live the gospel of Jesus and abstain from all appearance of evil which includes avoiding “Contention”. So dear wise Saint Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your brethren likewise by avoiding all “Contention” for both your sake, Christ sake and their sake. Amen!