Scripture Reading - John 14:26 KJV

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

We have spoken about the Holy Spirit as our Caring “Comforter” and our Ready “Reminder”. Today we (ihlcc) will speak about the Holy Spirit as our Tender “Teacher”. The Holy Spirit has the personality of God so His methods of teaching are unlimited. Many people learn about life from the experiences they encounter while going through their life. This can be one form of teaching that is used by “the Teacher” but there are many others. Many people learn by watching the results of others in their life to learn what to do and exactly what not to do. This is also a type of learning that “the Teacher” has used to help His students. Yet another form of teaching that our spiritual “Teacher” can use is dreams and visions because He can contact your spirit and soul. This method of teaching may not be as common but none-the-less it is still one of His many methods. Of course, “the Teacher” uses various settings (surroundings) to give His particular instructions in respect to our attitude at the moment, for example nature is often used as His backdrop to relax your mind and calm your soul. It seems like the “Teacher” uses ideal situations to expand our vision (what we can see) bringing better understanding as we open our mind to His thoughts and ideals. “The Teacher” can even take bad situations and point out what we can do differently next time to protect ourselves from misunderstandings and dangerous situations. Of course the number one way we (ihlcc) believe the Holy Spirit teaches is through the Holy Bible. Yes, the scripture speaks about the Lord and who is better acquainted with the Lord Himself than the Holy Spirit. This means “the Teacher” can show you what every scripture means and He can use any scripture to show us who God is and how God thinks. “The Teacher” delights in the glorification of Jesus Christ so He rarely speaks of Himself but rather He constantly speaks of our Loving Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Another aspect we (ihlcc) love about the Holy Spirit is that His teaching style is tender. “The Teacher” is not driven by dates and demanding schedules, no quite the opposite because His timetable is eternity. This loving “tender Teacher” still keeps (blends) the softness of a dove with the patience of parent. The Holy Spirit will work with you over-and-over again on the same point until you understand what you are stumbling over. Yes, “the Teacher” is all-wise, all knowing, all understanding and all versed at any subject you need help with but you must rely upon His help. He is not limited to just spiritual knowledge or understanding but very sharp in business knowledge and school knowledge and understanding of all people. This “all-knowing Teacher” has direct access to your spirit and mind to communicate in your specific language. There is simply none better acquainted with you, your life or the knowledge of God that is created for this specific task other than the Holy Spirit. The lack of knowledge we have in any area is not the fault of God but our own decision not the invest the time necessary to understand the subject under discussion. Yes, we choose to be ignorant about certain things and we also choose to be knowledgeable about other things. Whatsoever your decision is concerning what you would like to know, know that the Holy Spirit is your personal “Teacher” and Guide on that topic. Yes, you must give place to study and you must bring your findings to Him for further instruction and He, “The Teacher”, will further enlighten you on the width, height and depth of the subject. You see my faith friend, “the Tender Teacher” knows no limits so the more time and attention you invest into a subject the broader your understanding and knowledge of that subject will be. The Holy Spirit is only limited by your own knowledge because He can not enlighten you beyond your ability to receive from Him and the subject you are studying. So take full advantage of your personal “Teacher” because He is always ready and willing to teach you something new and profitable to yourself, your co-workers, your family and friends if you are ready and willing to listen to “The Teacher”. Amen!